(Fitz & The Fool #2)
My Rating: 5/5
Plot Tease
After nearly killing his oldest friend, the Fool, and finding his daughter stolen away by those who were once targeting the Fool, FitzChivarly Farseer is out for blood. And who better to wreak havoc than a highly trained and deadly former royal assassin?Fitz might have let his skills go fallow over his years of peace, but such things, once learned, are not so easily forgotten. And nothing is more dangerous than a man who has nothing left to lose...
Book Review
The story of Fitz and The Fool picks back up exactly where it left off in Fool's Assassin, standing on the edge of a knife, searching for a way out.Prophet and Catalyst have definitely gotten themselves into a messy place, and ultimately I wasn't sure how Robin Hobb could manage to guide us out of it. But Fool's Quest is full of surprises and dramatic moments that don't disappoint.
Fool's Quest reads differently than any other Realm of the Elderlings book. From the beginning we are going full speed, with none of the usual slow-Hobb-build. There were multiple smaller plot arcs operating seamlessly within the larger narrative, and the result was high points dispersed all throughout the book.
As far as characters go, the cast is expanding with plenty of new and interesting faces. The servant Ash was particularly interesting, creating opportunity for Robin Hobb to continue her ongoing dialogue on gender and reflect back some topics onto Fitz and The Fool.
Speaking of The Fool, comparing the character we now know to the pale-faced young jester of Assassin's Apprentice has some startling results. The growth (?) and evolution of this favorite is at once mind-boggling and heart-breaking. And compelling. It's hard to say exactly where Fool will end up in Assassin's Fate (#book3), but I have the feeling that I will be surprised either way. If one thing remains constant, it's that he is tenacious to a fault. He'll be there at the end.
Bee is much more developed as a character in Fool's Quest, and while I didn't especially care for her last book, she definitely took some time to grow on me this turn. Look for some surprises in her plotline, for sure.
All in all, you don't want to miss this one either. At this point, I'm fully confident saying that whatever Robin Hobb writes, it's well worth your reading.
"The Fool and I seldom lied to each other. Except when we did." - Fitzchivalry Farseer
Cost: New $18.75 (Available on Kindle and Nook.)
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