(Fitz & The Fool #3)
My Rating: 4.5/5
Plot Tease
Bee has been kidnapped by the Servants, a society whose members dream possible futures to add to their wealth and influence. Bee plays a crucial part in these prophecies—but just what part remains uncertain.Fitz and the Fool, believing her dead, embark on a mission of revenge that will take them to the distant island where the Servants reside—a place the Fool once called home and later called prison.
For all his injuries, however, the Fool is not as helpless as he seems. He is a dreamer too, able to shape the future. And though Fitz is no longer the peerless assassin of his youth, he remains a man to be reckoned with. Their goal is simple: to make sure not a single Servant survives.
Book Review
The end is finally here, whether we were ready for it or not.The Fool and the Assassin barrel headlong toward their certain deaths. There has been no pause in that momentum since Fool's Quest. While this may be a welcome plot dynamic to some readers, the sustained level of tension is at risk of becoming tiring before the mid-point of the book. Despite this consistency, the emotional ride of Assassin's Fate is a classic Hobb rollercoaster. So grab your Feels, and let's jump into it.