My Rating: 

Why? John Dies is a crazy fantasy horror book that will entertain you immensely, with a mostly serious plot veiled by humor.
Plot Tease
My name is David Wong. My best friend is John. Those names are fake. It's too late. You touched the book. The only defense is knowledge. You need to read this book, to the end. Why? You just have to trust me.
The important thing is this: The drug is called Soy Sauce and it gives users a window into another dimension. John and I never had the chance to say no. I'm sorry to have involved you in this, I really am. But as you read about these terrible events, it is crucial you keep one thing in mind: None of this was my fault.
Full Book Review
John Dies at the End is a really unique fantasy horror book. By unique I mean hilarious, sometimes vulgar, definitely crazy and with strange collection of characters that all come together in an awesome way. This book was written by an Internet geek, and if you're familiar with the culture you'll appreciate it even more. However, viewer discretion is definitely advised for this book.
It would be apropos to begin this book review with John, who I'm sure you are already concerned for having read the title. John is bats in the belfry, if you take my meaning. As the best friend of the narrator character David, John is almost always responsible for the trouble this pair face. He is overly impulsive, and a counter-balance to David's seriousness (running headlong at a pack of demon-creatures screaming like an urban cowboy, impulsive). The way he drives David crazy results in a lot of hilarious, line by line conversations that really show you these characters.
I'll save David for the end of the book review: let me tell you about Molly. Molly keeps everyone's spirits up. She is the only one who never deserts David. She even manages to manifest some superpowers before the end. Oh, also Molly is a dog. While she obviously isn't extremely talkative, she is quite expressive. At times, she was the character I was most concerned with, which you may find sad, but it's appropriate. The poor dog is definitely one of those characters with a twist at the end, so look out for that!
Alright, David is our narrator. He's very important for this reason, but also because he pisses off the first villain, Sh**load. (Yes, you head me correctly. "Because there's a sh**load" of him.) He is also offered the notorious Sauce, turning him into a practical seer capable of noticing all the demonic and alterdimensional trouble going on him his town. Of course, they notice him back. Enter chaos.
David is, at times, the one of the only characters that feels sane in this book. He echoes the incredulousness of the reader at the outset, and gains a grim determination to survive as the story progresses. Because of David's voice, John Dies becomes almost like a first-person horror game that will involve you from beginning to end. Expect to be scared along with David if you're reading in the dark which is recommend!). If you're a fan of twist endings, David has a great one. You have no idea right now and I won't spoil it for you, but trust me on this.
As far as personality and character development are concerned, David is your classic sarcastic cynic at the outset living a bachelor life with his best friend. He runs just as often as he stays to fight. He's a skeptic. But when he life and friends are threatened, he becomes a leader. Like any classic hero game, David develops through trial after trial into the courageous monster killer, willing to lay down his life if it means saving the town. Fortunately, Wong's fresh writing voice keeps this trope from being overly cliche but rather entertaining.
Ultimately, if you're looking for a wild ride with hilarious characters, give John Dies at the End a shot. It definitely is not for everyone. If you want a serious read with an actual moral or huge artistic value, leave this one behind. Otherwise, you lovers of crack fiction, I commend you. This book certainly broke up my literature landscape.
Talk Back!
Would you read this book, even though its insane? Are you a fan of crack plots?
Without spoiling, what did you think of David's secret? I need to commiserate with someone.
If demons and alter dimensional beings attacked your hometown, what would you do?
What are your ghost stories?
"'Fred said, 'Man, I think he’s gonna make a f***in’ suit of human skin, using the best parts from each of us.'
'Holy crap,' said John. 'He’ll be gorgeous.'" - John Dies at the End
Cost: New $10.87/Used $7.11 (Available on Kindle and Nook.)
This book review is not sponsored in any way. All opinions are entirely my own.
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